What My Clients Are Saying

“Cait has been my Life and Wellness Coach for a couple years, now. I really appreciate how she listens and waits for just the right time to ask the next deep question that helps me discover myself, my motives, and how I want to move forward. We have built a trust relationship where I feel I can be my authentic self and there is zero judgment. Cait has helped me discover how to design and achieve the changes or dreams I am aiming for, championing me all the way. This kind of support for me has been and is priceless!”
Cate H.
Cait has been extremely helpful coaching me in the areas of health and wellness. She makes me feel comfortable, heard and validated, while honing in on what’s important to coach me forward. The time set aside for myself to work through what’s important to me and then create a plan to execute, while having a coach/ cheerleader behind me, is absolutely invaluable and has proven to move me forward towards my goals and dreams! I can’t thank Cait enough!”
Amy-J. T.
“When I graduated from college I was the most focused I had ever been in my life. I knew what I wanted to do; I knew the career path that I felt destined for. I was ambitious and I felt a purpose. But then suddenly my life changed. I relocated out of state, started working in my fallback career, got into a relationship that wasn’t quite right for me, and a couple of years went by. Then another job and I met my husband, we had a couple of kids; life happened yet again. My hopes, dreams, and goals became so buried by my circumstances that I forgot who I really was and what my purpose was.... ”
Maureen S.